

I think it’s time for a Hats Special Edition. Now we need your help!
Have photos, an article, or something you’d like to add on the subject of hats, wigs, or headdresses? Drop a line to editors@yipezine.com!

The sooner we hear from you, the quicker we can put together the issue!

We’ve received word from some subscribers that the links to Volume 3, issue 1, “Worth the Wait” were broken.

That appears to be a quirk in the formatter for our email subscription service. If you visit the web version of that post at
you should find the links on that page fully functional.

You asked; we listened.

You can now subscribe to this blog via email (courtesy of feedburner.google.com) and get notices of new issues* directly into your inbox!

Just use the handy little form in the sidebar.

You can also still subscribe to notices via RSS if you prefer.

*You’ll also get anything else we post in this blog. Of course, that’s mostly restricted to notices of new issues.

We aim to publish each issue mid-month. This means we have the following due dates for regular issues*:

  • Articles are due by the first Saturday of the Month. This gives us time to lay out the issue and look for additional images to complement the articles.
  • Final rewrites (if we ask for one) are due the second Saturday.

Photos should be the highest resolution you can provide (we can resample down if necessary). We can arrange a drop folder for you on our box.net account to avoid email size limits.

We do our layout in InDesign, so we can accept articles in many formats, including plain text, RTF, MS-Word, OpenDoc and Google Docs.

*These deadlines also apply to Your Humble Editors. Especially Kevin.

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