We present to you, in full color, a tale of how a solitary Doctor Who fan broke nearly thirty years of quietly loving the franchise and embraced a Doctor Who convention in full costume.  It’s the issue where you’ll learn how a masquerade judge operates, and how you can make the most of your masquerade.  You’ll see one of our own coming to grips with the fact she’s now, officially and inescapably, a costumer—or so her luggage tells her.   Oh, and Mette wrote a madlib, too.

YIPE! Volume 2, Issue 3, “Our Car Runneth Over,” is now available for download:

Volume 2 Issue 4 is on its way with loads of steampunk goodness, but that doesn’t mean it’s too late to join the fun.  If you have something to submit (or want to send a letter of comment, contact us at editors (at) yipezine.com

2 Responses to “Yipe #3 is live!”

  1. John Francini says:

    One nit: The links to YIPE! Issue 3 in the sidebar do not work — the URLs are different from the ones in this posting.

  2. KPRoche says:

    Thanks, John. I’ll fix them ASAP.

    (Edit 1501 March 18 — All fixed. they were missing the encoded spaces)

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