We sat down at some conventions with some of our favorite costumers, got good and loaded, and were dumb enough to record the exchanges for your perusal.

First, Radar gets together with beloved masquerader Cordelia Willis to analyze the process of large group performances from concept to execution.  Then Kevin assembles a review of some of his favorite humorous costumes, culminating in the ultimate hall costume/religious event:  The Great Washed.

As per usual, España tears us all a new one because we can’t stop making great costumes based on terrible books and movies.  I enter the fray with an interview of Rockabilly fiend and ne’er-do-well Sylvia Muñoz, and Mette Hedin returns with another episode of 10 Questions for a Costumer, this time putting Galifrey One and Comicon skit master Bob Mitsch in the hot seat.

YIPE! Volume 2, Issue 5, “Hem and Haw,” is now available for download:

Volume 2 Issue 6 cannot be stopped!  Are you willing to join the madness?  If you have something to submit (or want to send a letter of comment), contact us at editors (at) yipezine.com

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