“Who” you say?  Who, indeed.  And a whole lot of it.

In this landmark issue, Yipe! hops into the TARDIS and takes a ride through Doctor Who fandom. February Issue Cover

Kevin elaborates on his prize-winning custom Dalek, España tries her hand at cosplay for the first time, Mette lets you in on her initiation into Gallifreyan costuming, and Palle Madsen returns with another tale of wonder from Gallifrey One.

As if that weren’t enough, we’re also featuring articles on custom costumes by fierceturtle, a story of excellent propmaking leading to not-so-excellent run-ins with the TSA by Jennifer Roesch, interviews with Doctor Who scarf knitters Katrina Griffiths and Tara Wheeler, 10 questions for costumer Lyn Cherowbrier–

Is there enough time to read it all?  Well, make some!

YIPE! Volume 3, Issue 2, “Whom?,” is now available for download:

Volume 3 issue 3 is happening in April, but we’re always looking for photos and articles. Got something?  Contact us at editors (at) yipezine.com.

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