Cover Image for RAGCenturies ago, a little costume fanzine crawled its way out of the primordial muck and shouted to the heavens, “bluuragggh!”

But did it die?  Apparently not.  In fact, these people never shut up.

Submitted for your disapproval, one costume fanzine that stood the test of time when it really would have been better to sit down and let more competent people have a go at it.  For the sake of blunt honesty, we’ve left the entire issue unaltered from what was sent to us by one of the loyal readers.  Hope you… no, enjoying it is asking too much.

RAG Volume 33, Issue 3, is now available for download:

Volume 3 issue 4 is in the works, but we’re always looking for photos and articles from PEOPLE LIKE YOU.  Contact us at editors (at)

2 Responses to “Plagiarism and You”

  1. Jonathon Jack says:

    How did you get this? It’s an outrage!

  2. admin says:

    Go to bed, old man.

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