May was… rough.

Diseases aplenty, rough work schedules, Con events galore, and Espana finally started playing Portal 2.

Before we knew it, one of our most ambitious issues to date was extremely, painfully late.  But did we cry “May Day”?  Hell no!

Here in all it’s globe-trotting, month-and-a-half-late glory– spanning nearly four continents– is the Yipe! World Tour.  Come with us through the Swedish countryside, English theaters, Mexican cathedrals, and Japanese megalopoli in search of costume goodness the world over.

YIPE! Volume 3, Issue 5, “International Travelogue,” is now available for download:

(single-page format)

Volume 3 Issue 6 will be out in about a week.  If you wanted to submit in time for the deadline(or want to send a letter of comment), sucks to be you.

Kidding!  Just kidding.

Contact us at editors (at) and we’ll see what we can do for you in July.

One Response to “The Extremely Late May Issue”

  1. […] det näst senaste numret av det amerikanska fanzinet Yipe! som framför allt handlar om dräkter och maskerad inom fandom, intervjuar Mette Hedin mig och […]

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