It is the last day of June, and, dammit, we were all set on having a June wedding (issue).

So we shook down some friends and well-wishers (in that they don’t wish us any particular harm) to cobble together for you the ultimate costumed wedding fanzine.  Admittedly, it’s easy to be king of the mountain when there isn’t another peak around for miles (or a disenfranchised monarch, for that matter), but we conquered that thing and planted our flag at the summit.

España delves into the surprisingly recent history of the wedding dress, Kevin takes us back to his Spaceballs-inspired ceremony, Kathe Gust involves the SCA, and new Yipers Meg Creelman and Yvette Keller open their wedding albums to show us how a costumer really gets married.

YIPE! Volume 3, Issue 6, “Unbridaled,” is now available for download:

Volume 3 Issue 7 is already in the works!  If you have something to submit (or want to send a letter of comment), contact us at editors (at)


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