Just in time for ComiCon, Yipe! proudly presents our first ever issue dedicated to Superheroes.  DC, Marvel, that weird, not-quite-DC-not-quite-Marvel universe Watchmen takes place in (that’s actually a variant of the old Charlton universe DC absorbed)– WE GOTS IT ALL!

España rants about Wonder Woman, then Mette brow beats the people trying to get upskirt shots of Wonder Woman at ComiCon.  We have 10 Questions for twin Superhero cosplayers Daniel and David Proctor when suddenly friend of Yipe! Palle Madsen lays some WonderCon history on us.  Kevin opens up the vault to present his own superhero story from 1976, and Stan Lee closes our issue with a scandalous admission.*

YIPE! Volume 3, Issue 7, “The One with Wolverine on the Cover,” is now available for download:

Volume 3 Issue 8 is already in the works!  If you have something to submit (or want to send a letter of comment), contact us at editors (at) yipezine.com

*Disclaimer:  Stan Lee does not actually appear in this issue and would likely never admit anything to us, scandalous or otherwise.

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