It’s our shortest issue ever.

And this time, we mean it!

A Grand Tradition at Worldcon is the WOOF (World Order Of Faneditors) APA, a hardcopy fanzine assembled from contributions by any fanzines willing to prepare and print enough copies. Renovation (the 69th World Science Fiction Convention, held in Reno, NV August 18-21, 2011) was no exception, and we at Yipe! were determined to leave our mark on the project. The resulting “best of” feature was both our shortest issue ever and the longest contribution to the APA.


YIPE! Volume 3, Issue 8b, “All Your Baste Are Now Belong To Us (The One With Too Many Covers),” is now available for download:

Volume 3 Issue 9 will soon be coming to a website near you.  This one!  If you have something to submit (or want to send a letter of comment), contact us at editors (at)

It’s our shortest issue ever!

Well, maybe not. But that one won’t be out for another week.

In the meantime, enjoy these Fantasy-based tales of costuming wonder from Leigh Ann Hildebrand, Siryn von Steam, and our very own Kevin Roche. We got fae, sorcerers, and stuff that looks too damn frilly to fit in any other category.

YIPE! Volume 3, Issue 8, “Our Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy,” is now available for download:

Volume 3 Issue 9 will soon be coming to a website near you.  This one!  If you have something to submit (or want to send a letter of comment), contact us at editors (at)

Just in time for ComiCon, Yipe! proudly presents our first ever issue dedicated to Superheroes.  DC, Marvel, that weird, not-quite-DC-not-quite-Marvel universe Watchmen takes place in (that’s actually a variant of the old Charlton universe DC absorbed)– WE GOTS IT ALL!

España rants about Wonder Woman, then Mette brow beats the people trying to get upskirt shots of Wonder Woman at ComiCon.  We have 10 Questions for twin Superhero cosplayers Daniel and David Proctor when suddenly friend of Yipe! Palle Madsen lays some WonderCon history on us.  Kevin opens up the vault to present his own superhero story from 1976, and Stan Lee closes our issue with a scandalous admission.*

YIPE! Volume 3, Issue 7, “The One with Wolverine on the Cover,” is now available for download:

Volume 3 Issue 8 is already in the works!  If you have something to submit (or want to send a letter of comment), contact us at editors (at)

*Disclaimer:  Stan Lee does not actually appear in this issue and would likely never admit anything to us, scandalous or otherwise.

It is the last day of June, and, dammit, we were all set on having a June wedding (issue).

So we shook down some friends and well-wishers (in that they don’t wish us any particular harm) to cobble together for you the ultimate costumed wedding fanzine.  Admittedly, it’s easy to be king of the mountain when there isn’t another peak around for miles (or a disenfranchised monarch, for that matter), but we conquered that thing and planted our flag at the summit.

España delves into the surprisingly recent history of the wedding dress, Kevin takes us back to his Spaceballs-inspired ceremony, Kathe Gust involves the SCA, and new Yipers Meg Creelman and Yvette Keller open their wedding albums to show us how a costumer really gets married.

YIPE! Volume 3, Issue 6, “Unbridaled,” is now available for download:

Volume 3 Issue 7 is already in the works!  If you have something to submit (or want to send a letter of comment), contact us at editors (at)


May was… rough.

Diseases aplenty, rough work schedules, Con events galore, and Espana finally started playing Portal 2.

Before we knew it, one of our most ambitious issues to date was extremely, painfully late.  But did we cry “May Day”?  Hell no!

Here in all it’s globe-trotting, month-and-a-half-late glory– spanning nearly four continents– is the Yipe! World Tour.  Come with us through the Swedish countryside, English theaters, Mexican cathedrals, and Japanese megalopoli in search of costume goodness the world over.

YIPE! Volume 3, Issue 5, “International Travelogue,” is now available for download:

(single-page format)

Volume 3 Issue 6 will be out in about a week.  If you wanted to submit in time for the deadline(or want to send a letter of comment), sucks to be you.

Kidding!  Just kidding.

Contact us at editors (at) and we’ll see what we can do for you in July.

Yeah, we went to Nova Albion.  What of it?  You think we need to dedicate a whole issue to Steampunk?  Didn’t we do that last year?

Fine, but you owe us one.

YIPE! Volume 3, Issue 4, “Riveting!,” is now available for download:

Volume 3 Issue 5 will soon be coming to a website near you.  This one!  If you have something to submit (or want to send a letter of comment), contact us at editors (at)

Cover Image for RAGCenturies ago, a little costume fanzine crawled its way out of the primordial muck and shouted to the heavens, “bluuragggh!”

But did it die?  Apparently not.  In fact, these people never shut up.

Submitted for your disapproval, one costume fanzine that stood the test of time when it really would have been better to sit down and let more competent people have a go at it.  For the sake of blunt honesty, we’ve left the entire issue unaltered from what was sent to us by one of the loyal readers.  Hope you… no, enjoying it is asking too much.

RAG Volume 33, Issue 3, is now available for download:

Volume 3 issue 4 is in the works, but we’re always looking for photos and articles from PEOPLE LIKE YOU.  Contact us at editors (at)

“Who” you say?  Who, indeed.  And a whole lot of it.

In this landmark issue, Yipe! hops into the TARDIS and takes a ride through Doctor Who fandom. February Issue Cover

Kevin elaborates on his prize-winning custom Dalek, España tries her hand at cosplay for the first time, Mette lets you in on her initiation into Gallifreyan costuming, and Palle Madsen returns with another tale of wonder from Gallifrey One.

As if that weren’t enough, we’re also featuring articles on custom costumes by fierceturtle, a story of excellent propmaking leading to not-so-excellent run-ins with the TSA by Jennifer Roesch, interviews with Doctor Who scarf knitters Katrina Griffiths and Tara Wheeler, 10 questions for costumer Lyn Cherowbrier–

Is there enough time to read it all?  Well, make some!

YIPE! Volume 3, Issue 2, “Whom?,” is now available for download:

Volume 3 issue 3 is happening in April, but we’re always looking for photos and articles. Got something?  Contact us at editors (at)

We’ve received word from some subscribers that the links to Volume 3, issue 1, “Worth the Wait” were broken.

That appears to be a quirk in the formatter for our email subscription service. If you visit the web version of that post at
you should find the links on that page fully functional.

Oh, happy day!

I think I’ll say that again.

Oh, happy day!

It took a while to wrangle the zine back into working order, but we think you’ll agree the new YIPE! was well worth the wait.  Our pictures are clearer, our words are longer, the snozzberries taste like snozzberries…  In short, you’re in for a treat this month with articles by Kristina Kopnisky, Henry Osier, and Tadao Tomomatsu.  Kevin unveils preliminary designs of the Reno WorldCon masquerade, Mette picks Debbie Bretschneider’s brain, and España does whatever it is she does when neither belligerent nor sloshed.

YIPE! Volume 3, Issue 1, “Worth the Wait,” is now available for download:

Volume 3 issue 2 hits the interwebs this March, but we’re always looking for photos and articles from you. If you have something to submit (or want to send a letter of comment), contact us at editors (at)

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