May was… rough.

Diseases aplenty, rough work schedules, Con events galore, and Espana finally started playing Portal 2.

Before we knew it, one of our most ambitious issues to date was extremely, painfully late.  But did we cry “May Day”?  Hell no!

Here in all it’s globe-trotting, month-and-a-half-late glory– spanning nearly four continents– is the Yipe! World Tour.  Come with us through the Swedish countryside, English theaters, Mexican cathedrals, and Japanese megalopoli in search of costume goodness the world over.

YIPE! Volume 3, Issue 5, “International Travelogue,” is now available for download:

(single-page format)

Volume 3 Issue 6 will be out in about a week.  If you wanted to submit in time for the deadline(or want to send a letter of comment), sucks to be you.

Kidding!  Just kidding.

Contact us at editors (at) and we’ll see what we can do for you in July.

Cover Image for RAGCenturies ago, a little costume fanzine crawled its way out of the primordial muck and shouted to the heavens, “bluuragggh!”

But did it die?  Apparently not.  In fact, these people never shut up.

Submitted for your disapproval, one costume fanzine that stood the test of time when it really would have been better to sit down and let more competent people have a go at it.  For the sake of blunt honesty, we’ve left the entire issue unaltered from what was sent to us by one of the loyal readers.  Hope you… no, enjoying it is asking too much.

RAG Volume 33, Issue 3, is now available for download:

Volume 3 issue 4 is in the works, but we’re always looking for photos and articles from PEOPLE LIKE YOU.  Contact us at editors (at)

“Who” you say?  Who, indeed.  And a whole lot of it.

In this landmark issue, Yipe! hops into the TARDIS and takes a ride through Doctor Who fandom. February Issue Cover

Kevin elaborates on his prize-winning custom Dalek, España tries her hand at cosplay for the first time, Mette lets you in on her initiation into Gallifreyan costuming, and Palle Madsen returns with another tale of wonder from Gallifrey One.

As if that weren’t enough, we’re also featuring articles on custom costumes by fierceturtle, a story of excellent propmaking leading to not-so-excellent run-ins with the TSA by Jennifer Roesch, interviews with Doctor Who scarf knitters Katrina Griffiths and Tara Wheeler, 10 questions for costumer Lyn Cherowbrier–

Is there enough time to read it all?  Well, make some!

YIPE! Volume 3, Issue 2, “Whom?,” is now available for download:

Volume 3 issue 3 is happening in April, but we’re always looking for photos and articles. Got something?  Contact us at editors (at)

Oh, happy day!

I think I’ll say that again.

Oh, happy day!

It took a while to wrangle the zine back into working order, but we think you’ll agree the new YIPE! was well worth the wait.  Our pictures are clearer, our words are longer, the snozzberries taste like snozzberries…  In short, you’re in for a treat this month with articles by Kristina Kopnisky, Henry Osier, and Tadao Tomomatsu.  Kevin unveils preliminary designs of the Reno WorldCon masquerade, Mette picks Debbie Bretschneider’s brain, and España does whatever it is she does when neither belligerent nor sloshed.

YIPE! Volume 3, Issue 1, “Worth the Wait,” is now available for download:

Volume 3 issue 2 hits the interwebs this March, but we’re always looking for photos and articles from you. If you have something to submit (or want to send a letter of comment), contact us at editors (at)

We take it all back!

YIPE! Volume 3, Issue 0, “Redacted,” is now available for download:

Volume 3 issue 1 is due out in February, but we’re still looking for photos and articles from you, Gentle Reader. If you have something to submit (or want to send a letter of comment), contact us at editors (at)

Kids make their wishlists without any care for how realistic said hopes are given socioeconomic trends and their tax bracket.  It doesn’t matter if they get a jet pack or a ray gun or a nuclear-powered arm cannon.  The important thing is, for a brief moment, they think they might.

Even if it’s just for a fleeting moment, a kid’s mind opens up to the vast universe around them.  Maybe it’s possible for a decrepit, morbidly obese man to harness a team of faster-than-light ruminants to distribute roughly 18 billion presents across the entire globe in less than 12 hours.

Sure, Kevin wants a Jet Pack, Ms.Sheriff wants a Ray Gun, I want the power to crush skulls between my cruel digits, and Mette wants everything all at once… but are we going to get them?
Does it matter, as long as we WANT them in the first place?

YIPE! Volume 2, Issue 12, “All I Want…,” is now available for download:

Volume 3 is due out in 2011.  Oh, is it 2011 NOW?  If you have something to submit (or want to send a letter of comment), contact us at editors (at) before we run out of year!

We all just slapped on our Travel Clothes, loaded up a suitcase, and set out for wherever the wind would take us.  Or any airport Southwest had a deal on.  Not important.

Sure, Kevin didn’t have to go so far for the PEERS Le Bal des Vampires, but it was entertaining, filled with costumes, and beyond walking distance.  Plus:  vampires.
Ms. Sheriff made us all look like wimps with her trip to D.C., but it was the unintended stopover in NYC that put her smack in the middle of the Greenwich Village Halloween Parade; a festival so far gone we aren’t legally allowed to show most of the photos.
Beloved Yipe! contributor Bob Hole graces us with some pictures of just what you need to wear when visiting Scotland and attempting to make everyone think you’re a genuine Scot in such a way no one will believe you at all.
And, of course, our own Mette Hedin serves as clean-up with her long-awaited report on Las Vegas’ incomparable Punk Rock Bowling tournament.  Oddly enough, the photos are all perfectly legal to display in a fanzine.  Madness.
So keep reading, costume lovers.  We scoured the… well, we left the house and mostly used large commercial vehicles to bring you the words and images you see here today.  How many fanzines can say the same?
Don’t answer that.

YIPE! Volume 2, Issue 11, “Travel Clothes,” is now available for download:

Volume 2 Issue 12 will soon be coming to a website near you.  This one!  If you have something to submit (or want to send a letter of comment), contact us at editors (at)

This month has Kevin exploring the intricacies of the Imperial Court, España pondering the rise of crossplay in fandom, and Mette’s in-depth feature on the inimitable Chika.

We may be late, and it’s drag, but it’s also our first issue dedicated to Drag, and that’s no– Oh, you get it.
Happy Halloween!

YIPE! Volume 2, Issue 10, “What a Drag,” is now available for download:

Volume 2 Issue 11 will soon be coming to a website near you.  This one!  If you have something to submit (or want to send a letter of comment), contact us at editors (at)

Yipe! takes this opportunity to build one Giant Size Otaku, reflecting on the early days of anime fandom and the seemingly boundless growth of the cosplay community. Karen Dick graces us our pages with her personal story of the seminal days of anime costuming, complete with pictures of her Starblazers and Captain Harlock creations from what might be considered the dawn of Cosplay.

Then Dawn McKechnie takes us on a tour ofAnime North, Toronto’s sprawling home to cosplayers, masqueraders, ravers, lolitas, and maids alike.

España chimes in with her own take on the glory of Cosplay and anime fandom before bashing the hell out of them for being prettier and more talented than her, then Kevin sets the wayback machine to his own childhood and dredges up his formative years influenced by Kimba the White Lion, Astro Boy, and 8-Man.

I resume my unending thesis paper on anime fandom vs. general fandom in our later pages, then Mette Hedin returns to form with 10 Questions for Bay Area Cosplayer Mea.

Incendiary? Perhaps. Definitely one big damn fanzine.

YIPE! Volume 2, Issue 9, “Giant Size Otaku,” is now available for download:

Volume 2 Issue 10 will soon be coming to a website near you.  This one!  If you have something to submit (or want to send a letter of comment), contact us at editors (at)

After considering it for a number of months, we finally got in touch with six time Hugo loser (a number soon to be increased) Christopher J. Garcia  to put together the article we’ve been intent on blackmailing him for– a story of costuming taken past roleplaying and into the world of professional wrestling.  Yes, we speak of the artform known as Kaiju Big Battel, where adults dress up as giant monsters a la Godzilla films and beat the tar out of each other in a ring filled with a miniature city.

Then it’s Ms. Sheriff’s turn to share the evil with her tale of the disastrous experience that is making a deadline with a faulty Macintosh.
Finally, for the first time in… cohesively… a year?  Robert Hole does his research and tells us all what’s wrong with research and how it affects our notions of historic costuming.

YIPE! Volume 2, Issue 8, “Loose Threads,” is now available for download:

Volume 2 Issue 9 is on its way with loads of… stuff!  But that doesn’t mean we don’t need more.  If you have something to submit (or want to send a letter of comment, contact us at editors (at)

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